Quick Tips

Fake Clean 15 Minutes

You’re relaxing at home, sipping coffee, flipping through the paper and thinking about how the house really could use a good cleaning, but it’s just not going to happen today. The next thing you know, your phone rings or you get a text message from a friend or relative saying, “We’re in the area and thought we’d drop by. We’ll be there in about 15 minutes.” It’s times like this when knowing how to clean house fast can really come in handy. 

Check out the following quick house cleaning tips and tricks and learn how to fake clean your home when that company clock starts counting down.

1. Rally the Troops

First things first, if you have family members that can help you, call them front and center and start delegating tasks to them. Tip: If you have very young children, make sure you give them age-appropriate chores that won’t need your supervision, such as putting their toys away or wiping down bathroom surfaces.

2. Clear Countertops and Pick Up Floors

Countertops are some of the most cluttered places in the home and floors can get overrun with pet toys, discarded shoes or stacks of papers and boxes. Now is not the time to sort and purge. Rather, you’ll want to toss everything in an empty laundry basket or bin and place it in a closet. You can deal with letting go of clutter after your guests leave.

3. Close Doors

Out of sight is out of mind. If the kids’ rooms look like a toy factory exploded or you didn’t bother making the bed and picking up your discarded yoga gear, simply shut the door. What your visitors don’t know about the state of your bedrooms won’t hurt them.

4. Clean What They’ll See

Most likely, your visit will take place in one room of the house, so you’ll want to focus on that area during your quick house cleaning. In addition, you should clean a bathroom, as there’s a good chance guests will pop in for a powder before they leave. Here are some areas to keep in mind when you’re trying to figure out how to clean house fast.


Your entryway or foyer is one of the first areas guests will see. Give it a quick tidy with the following house cleaning tips and tricks:
  • Organize shoes on shoe racks
  • Straighten coats that are hanging
  • Toss clutter in a laundry basket and store that in a closet
  • Quickly wipe down any table surfaces with a microfiber cloth
  • Run the vacuum on the entryway floor and welcome mats


It’s almost certain that guests will need to use your bathroom when they visit. Make sure you don’t skip these steps when fake cleaning the house:
  • Pull shower curtains or doors closed
  • Hit bathmats with a handheld vacuum (If they’re dry)
  • Put out fresh towels
  • Pick up clothing or discarded towels from floors or door hooks
  • Clear toiletries from vanities and counters and stash them under the sink
  • Wipe down the toilet top and tank, as well as the sink bowl, counter and faucets
  • Give the toilet bowl a quick scrub

Living rooms

If your visit will be taking place in the living room, there are several quick house cleaning tips and tricks you can employ in 15 minutes: 
  • Give the room a quick dusting (and don’t forget to look up at light fixtures and ceiling fans)
  • With a microfiber cloth, wipe down coffee tables, the visible edges of book shelves and electronic screens
  • Organize magazines and remotes on coffee tables or in baskets
  • Vacuum the entire room
  • Grab the upholstery attachment and vacuum furniture and drapes, especially if you have pets
  • Fluff couch cushions


Visits with good friends or relatives often take place in the kitchen. If you’re quick cleaning the house for unexpected company that you’re very familiar with, make sure to tackle these tasks: 
  • Clear clutter from counters and tabletops and tuck those items away in a drawer or cupboard
  • Give tables, cabinets, the fridge and counters a pass with a microfiber cloth
  • Wipe down food splatters on and near your stove
  • Place dishes in the dishwasher or, if you don’t have one of these magical appliances, rinse dishes and neatly stack them in the sink

Want to make sure your house is always ready for company? Contact your local Merry Maids! Our routine housekeeping services will keep your abode in tip-top shape, so you never have to worry about fake cleaning your home when surprise drop-ins occur.

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